Effective Holiday Marketing
At last! It’s time for the holidays! It’s almost time for Thanksgiving and Christmas, which means that you should be paying attention to what type of correspondence you’re sending to your clients this season.
Do you think holiday themed emails are silly? Do they even work?
The jury is still out for these types of letters and promotions, sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. If you want to try your hand at holiday themed promotions this season, here are some tips that can help you succeed:
Track Your Stats
Just because your information is holiday themed, that doesn’t mean it isn’t subject to regular rules. Set goals for the amount of clicks or purchases you want to acquire. Consider the best way to obtain the extra amount (if any) and compose your email as you would any other. Now you’re not just sending something cheerful, just to send something. Instead, you’re offering your clients a valuable promotion.
Be Festive!
If you’re going to do the holiday thing, you had better go all the way. There is a huge amount of emails that will have a similar theme to yours this season, so try to discover ways to stand out. Time sensitive discounts or fun new products can draw your visitors in.
Use Social Media
Sometimes people avoid their email on purpose when their on vacation, but they’ll still check their Facebook or post photos to their Twitter. Be sure to capture their attention by staying active during the holidays via all your social media channels including blogs, emails and social platforms.
Avoid Spamming
You won’t be the only one sending your visitors emails during the holiday season, and it can be easy to overdo it to get their attention. Resist the urge to send many emails with menial information. Keep it simple and make sure the message is important before you send. If your clients read even one email on their vacation, you want it to be yours.
Forget Follow-Ups
Now that you have an interest in your holiday themed correspondence, consider what you want to do to involve yourself with the people who responded. What kind of action comes after your email is received? Are you ready to close a sale? Are you ready to speak more about your products or services? Don’t let those interested leads go to waste!
Miss Out On Other Holidays
Not only are the big holidays important, there are other lesser-known holidays you can honor as well. Check online calendars and event days to see if there is a day, your group could celebrate with your subscribers.
The important thing to remember is that you should put a good amount of thought into your emails; just as much as you would any other post or letter, but have some fun with it!
Do you have any special holiday marketing tips? What was your favorite holiday email? Leave your message in the comments below!