Crafting Quality Content | Essential Elements You Need

Essential Elements of Quality Content

From time to time, someone will ask me why the content on their website is rapidly falling in search engine rank and is failing engage readers or to get people to opt in. Then I visit their site and realize that there really is no kind way to say it: their content is just bad.

The site owner is sincere in their belief that they are publishing excellent content because the material has not been published anywhere else. However, the truth is that it fails to be useful or to entertain; it is lifeless and lacking in personality. On top of all that, it has an awful headline. Those are the things that keep it from being quality content.The best way to keep from publishing bad content is to read sites that provide advice on how to create good content. Here are some important pieces of advice on how to avoid creating bad content.

1. It should be useful

Good content should solve a problem that the reader has. This is why the words “how to” are so useful when writing a title. You should work on following those words with something interesting. A part of making your content useful involves making it appealing to the reader and easy to read.

2. You should make it interesting

Quality content should be stylish, authoritative and have personality. You can choose to make your content opinionated, snarky or use it to show your enthusiasm about the subject. It should be anything but bland. If your readers only want the facts, they will go to Wikipedia. If they want something that is not dry and technical, you can step in to meet that demand. Note that none of this will be easy to pull off if you do not think of yourself as a writer. Remember that you are not writing to get a good grade from your teacher in school, but you should be able to make the content you write interesting for your readers.

Do not fall into the trap of trying to make your content sound commercial, like it was written by a big corporation. The “professional” tone is not the one you should be striving for; instead, try to make your work feel personal. It should sound friendly, but smart and as if you have your readers’ problems figured out.

3. It should feel like a reward

Whatever kind of content you are creating, it should be inherently rewarding. This means that consumers of your content should feel that they have benefitted from opening the link; this should be the case whether you are blogging, emailing or making videos. Try to see it from the reader’s point of view and see if there really is a benefit that comes from reading the content. Does it bring them any closer to their objectives? Does it them with provide entertainment or at the very least, hold their attention? Is the design of the site pleasing to the eye and is the interface user-friendly? Is the site-design responsive and the content formatted in such a way that it may be read on a range of different devices?

Good content will draw traffic to your site and build a regular audience better than anything else. You may have noticed that there is a lot of mediocre and bad content on the Internet. There is a lot of shallow, boring and borderline useless content that exists only to take up space. When you make the decision to generate content that will be both interesting and useful to your readers, you lift yourself above the ocean of spam on the Internet. While the creation of good content is difficult, it is the best way to distinguish your business and brand while displaying your value to your readers.

How to go even further

As a personal project, you should think about the kinds of problems that your audience has; think about the ones that you can solve with your content. What are the sources of their frustrations? What information could your provide that would make their lives easier? Come up with some ideas and the next time you sit down to write, you will have useful and interesting topics already prepared.


Essential Elements of Quality Content

From time to time, someone will ask me why the content on their website is rapidly falling in search engine rank and is failing engage readers or to get people to opt in. Then I visit their site and realize that there really is no kind way to say it: their content is just bad.

The site owner is sincere in their belief that they are publishing excellent content because the material has not been published anywhere else. However, the truth is that it fails to be useful or to entertain; it is lifeless and lacking in personality. On top of all that, it has an awful headline. Those are the things that keep it from being quality content.The best way to keep from publishing bad content is to read sites that provide advice on how to create good content. Here are some important pieces of advice on how to avoid creating bad content.

1. It should be useful

Good content should solve a problem that the reader has. This is why the words “how to” are so useful when writing a title. You should work on following those words with something interesting. A part of making your content useful involves making it appealing to the reader and easy to read.

2. You should make it interesting

Quality content should be stylish, authoritative and have personality. You can choose to make your content opinionated, snarky or use it to show your enthusiasm about the subject. It should be anything but bland. If your readers only want the facts, they will go to Wikipedia. If they want something that is not dry and technical, you can step in to meet that demand. Note that none of this will be easy to pull off if you do not think of yourself as a writer. Remember that you are not writing to get a good grade from your teacher in school, but you should be able to make the content you write interesting for your readers.

Do not fall into the trap of trying to make your content sound commercial, like it was written by a big corporation. The “professional” tone is not the one you should be striving for; instead, try to make your work feel personal. It should sound friendly, but smart and as if you have your readers’ problems figured out.

3. It should feel like a reward

Whatever kind of content you are creating, it should be inherently rewarding. This means that consumers of your content should feel that they have benefitted from opening the link; this should be the case whether you are blogging, emailing or making videos. Try to see it from the reader’s point of view and see if there really is a benefit that comes from reading the content. Does it bring them any closer to their objectives? Does it them with provide entertainment or at the very least, hold their attention? Is the design of the site pleasing to the eye and is the interface user-friendly? Is the site-design responsive and the content formatted in such a way that it may be read on a range of different devices?

Good content will draw traffic to your site and build a regular audience better than anything else. You may have noticed that there is a lot of mediocre and bad content on the Internet. There is a lot of shallow, boring and borderline useless content that exists only to take up space. When you make the decision to generate content that will be both interesting and useful to your readers, you lift yourself above the ocean of spam on the Internet. While the creation of good content is difficult, it is the best way to distinguish your business and brand while displaying your value to your readers.

How to go even further

As a personal project, you should think about the kinds of problems that your audience has; think about the ones that you can solve with your content. What are the sources of their frustrations? What information could your provide that would make their lives easier? Come up with some ideas and the next time you sit down to write, you will have useful and interesting topics already prepared.

About the Author
Bjorn Wallman
As the CEO of Once Interactive, a highly regarded digital marketing agency, Bjorn possesses a deep understanding of the ever-evolving landscape of SEO. He has successfully guided numerous companies towards achieving higher search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and improved online visibility.
